Can 2019 Match the EV Market’s 2018 Highs?
EV sales are off to a slow start in 2019, but automakers continue to bring out a wider range of EV options.

New Report Highlights 5G’s Connected Vehicle Benefits
In combination with new and innovative technologies, high-speed wireless networks will transform the United States’ transportation system and generate billions of dollars in economic benefits—but only if the FCC gives mobile carriers access to vital mid-band portions of the spectrum.

In Venezuela, Maduro’s Grip Threatened as Oil Industry Breakdown Continues
Backed by a host of Latin American countries and the United States, Juan Guaido's declaration of himself as the legitimate president of Venezuela represents the sternest test Maduro has faced to his hold on power—and the oil market has already felt the effects.

EV Sales: Waiting for the Inflection
National data shows 2018 EV sales are up 83 percent on 2017—but the realities facing the EV industry and oil's virtual monopoly on U.S. transportation fuels means the inflection point in transforming our transportation sector has yet to be reached.