The Fuse




Video: T. Boone Pickens Interviews Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute

The way news and information is shared has changed the way we relate to each other. T. Boone Pickens sits down with Walter Isaacson of the Aspen Institute to discuss how ideas move through society.

topics: Aspen Institute, Interviews, T. Boone Pickens, Video, Walter Isaacson


Video: T. Boone Pickens and Karl Rove Talk Energy and the Election

Karl Rove and T. Boone Pickens discuss the history of political conventions, the impact of energy issues on this year’s campaign, and Rove's book, “The Triumph of William McKinley.”

topics: Election Tracker, Energy Policy 2016, Interviews, Karl Rove, Pickens Plan, Political Strategy, T. Boone Pickens, Video


Live from Canada: Communities Push for Stronger Crude by Rail Safety Regulations

Increasing volumes of crude oil shipments are passing through Canada, but communities adjacent to railroad tracks are concerned about the safety of that transport, especially following the tragic 2013 disaster in Lac Megantic, Quebec. We take a look at how regulators and industry are responding.

topics: Canada, crude by rail, Lac Megantic, Logistics, Rail safety, railroads, Safety Regulations, Video


Live from Alberta: Canada's Stranded Energy Assets?

Despite Canada's abundance of energy resources, the future of its energy strategy is unclear.

topics: Canada, Climate Policy, Energy, Hydropower, Natural Gas, Tar Sands


John Hannah on Oil Dependence

John Hannah, former national security advisor to former Vice President Dick Cheney, articulates the national security challenges of oil dependence.

topics: John Hannah, National Security, Oil Dependence